Club Staff

Vinnie Faccinto – Club Owner

Vinnie Faccinto has over 20 years of Service to the Upper Cumberland. 2002 he built and founded Crest Lawn Funeral Home in Cookeville as well as adding Oaklawn in Sparta a few years later.

After selling the funeral business in 2012 he went on to purchase Absolute Fitness in 2017. Which purchased Cookeville Fitness Center in 2020 and combined the gyms into the current location on Jefferson across from Kroger.

In 2019 he opened the first Nutrition Faktory store in Cookeville and operating it until 2021. He owns Faccinto Properties operating 48 rental units as well as 7 air bnb’s. Using his vast experience in local business and his love of cigars to his newest local business.

He also serves as a the 5th district County Commissioner in Putnam County elected in 2022.

David L. Hewitt – General Manager

Tobacco enthusiast with a professional background in healthcare I.T., automotive industry, foodservice industry, marketing & business administration.